New Science Drawings |
dam, hydroelectric power, renewable resources, energy |
wind turbines, renewable resources, energy |
nuclear power generating plant, atomic energy, nonrenewable resources, energy |
oil well pumper, oil barrels, fossil fuel, nonrenewable resources, energy |
natural gas, stove, burner, fossil fuel, nonrenewable resources, energy |
solar panels, photovoltaic cells, renewable resources, energy |
coal cart, fossil fuel, nonrenewable resources, mining, energy |
oil well pumper, fossil fuel, nonrenewable resources, energy |
wind turbines, renewable resources, energy |
oil barrel, fossil fuel, nonrenewable resources, energy |
fly adult, life cycle, complete metamorphosis, holometabolis, diptera, insect, invertebrate |
fly eggs, life cycle, complete metamorphosis, holometabolis, diptera, insect, invertebrate |
fly larva, maggot, life cycle, complete metamorphosis, holometabolis, diptera, insect, invertebrate |
fly pupa, life cycle, complete metamorphosis, holometabolis, diptera, insect, invertebrate |
earth's internal structure, crust, mantle, inner core, outer core, lithosphere, asthenosphere |
steam and not steam, illustrate white cloud of hot liquid water is not steam, not gas |
Cells |
animal cell, cell, vacuole, cell wall, nucleus, chloroplast, mitochondria |
plant cell , cell, vacuole, cell membrane, nucleus, mitochondria |
chloroplast, organelle, plant cell, cell |
mitochondria, organelle, cell |
mitochondria, organelle, cell |
nucleus, organelle, cell |
nucleus, organelle, cell |
cell wall, cell membrane, cytoplasm, plant cell |
cell membrane, cytoplasm, animal cell |
vacuole, organelle, plant cell |
vacuole, organelle, cell |
vacuole, organelle, cell |
Monarch Life Cycle |
monarch butterfly egg, insect life cycle, complete metamorphosis, holometabolis, lepidoptera, invertebrate |
monarch butterfly caterpillar, larva, insect life cycle, complete metamorphosis, holometabolis, lepidoptera, invertebrate |
monarch butterfly chrysalis, pupa, insect life cycle, complete metamorphosis, holometabolis, lepidoptera,invertebrate |
monarch butterfly adult, insect life cycle, complete metamorphosis, holometabolis, lepidoptera, invertebrate |
Electric Circuits |
open switch, electrical circuits, current electricity, lever |
light bulb, lamp, load, electrical circuits, current electricity |
light bulb lit, lamp, load, electrical circuits, current electricity |
closed switch, electrical circuits, current electricity, lever |
dry cell, battery, power source, direct current electrical circuits, current electricity |
light bulb base, load, electrical circuits, current electricity |
Flower Parts |
flower, flower parts, petal, pistil, sepal, plant reproduction |
flower, flower parts, petal, pistil, stamen, receptacle, sepal, plant reproduction |
flower, flower parts, petal, pistil, stamen, receptacle, sepal, plant reproduction |
flower, flower parts, petal, plant reproduction |
flower, flower parts, petal, plant reproduction |
flower, flower parts, petal, plant reproduction |
flower, flower parts, petal, plant reproduction |
flower, flower parts, stamen, anther, filament, plant reproduction |
flower, flower part,. stamen, anther, filament, plant reproduction |
flower, flower parts, stamen, anther, filament, plant reproduction |
flower, flower parts, pistil, stigma, style, ovary, plant reproduction |
flower, flower parts, sepal, plant reproduction |
flower, flower parts, receptacle, plant reproduction |
Plant Parts |
plant roots, plant parts, water and nutrient intake, soil, erosion |
plant stem, plant parts, water and food distribution, structure |
plant leaf, plant parts, photosynthesis, gas exchange, transpiration |
plant leaf, plant parts, photosynthesis, gas exchange, transpiration |
plant leaf, plant parts, photosynthesis, gas exchange, transpiration |
plant leaf, plant parts, photosynthesis, gas exchange, transpiration |
plant leaf, plant parts, photosynthesis, gas exchange, transpiration |
plant leaf, plant parts, photosynthesis, gas exchange, transpiration |
plant leaf, plant parts, photosynthesis, gas exchange, transpiration |
plant leaf, plant parts, photosynthesis, gas exchange, transpiration |
balance, triple-beam balance, weight, mass, measurement |
graduated cylinder, volume, capacity, measurement |
beaker, volume, capacity, measurement |
ruler, length, inches, centimeters, measurement |
tape measure, length, inches, measurement |
Weather Measurement |
anemometer, wind speed, weather measurement |
wind vane, wind direction, weather measurement |
rain gauge, precipitation, weather measurement |
barometer, air pressure, millibars, weather measurement |
barometer, air pressure, millibars, weather measurement |
hygrometer, humidity, atmospheric moisture, weather measurement |
hygrometer, humidity, atmospheric moisture, weather measurement |
Simple Machines |
lever, fulcrum, simple machine |
lever with load, weight, fulcrum, simple machine |
lever, fulcrum, simple machine |
class two lever with load, weight, fulcrum, simple machine |
class three lever with load, weight, fulcrum, simple machine |
pulley with load, weight, wheel and axle, simple machine |
axe, wedge, simple machine |
steak knife, wedge, simple machine |
pulley, wheel and axle, simple machine |
load, weight, mass, kilograms, simple machine |
screw, wedge, inclined plane, simple machine |
trebuchet, compound machine, lever, fulcrum, wheel and axle, pulley, simple machines |
seesaw, lever, fulcrum, simple machine |
wheels and axle, simple machine |
ramp, inclined plane, simple machine |
wheelbarrow, wheel and axle, inclined plane, lever, wedge, simple machines |
slide, playground, inclined plane, simple machine |
Soil |
burying beetle, sexton, carrion, coleoptera, insect, arthropod, invertebrate, scavenger |
pill bug, wood lice, rollie pollie, isopod, crustacean, arthropod, invertebrate, decomposer, detrivore |
earthworm, annelid, invertebrate, humus, decomposer, detrivore, soil, composting |
millipede, arthropod, invertebrate, decomposer, detrivore, soil, humus |
clay, soil component, rock |
silt, soil component, rock, sediment |
sand, soil component, rock |
humus, soil component, organic matter, soil, decaying plants and animals |
topsoil, soil layers, humus, organic matter, nutrients, grass, roots |
subsoil, soil layers, rock, clay, silt, sand |
soil layers, top soil, subsoil, parent material, regolith, bedrock, grass, roots |
parent material, soil layers, regolith |
mole, mammal, vertebrate, soil inhabitant, burrowing animal |
bedrock, soil layers, rock. foundation |
soil erosion, topsoil, rock cycle |
corn, crops, soil, topsoil, resources |
carpenter ant (top view), head, thorax, abdomen, mandibles, antennae, insect, hymenoptera, arthropod, invertebrate |
carpenter ant (side view), head, thorax, abdomen, antennae, insect, hymenoptera, arthropod, invertebrate |
Space |
full moon, earth satellite, lunar, craters, moon phases |
new moon, earth satellite, lunar, craters, moon phases |
lunar eclipse, earth's shadow, full moon, earth satellite, craters, moon phases |
waxing crescent moon, earth satellite, lunar, craters, moon phases |
first quarter moon, earth satellite, lunar, craters, moon phases |
waxing gibbous moon, earth satellite, lunar, craters, moon phases |
waning gibbous moon, earth satellite, lunar, craters, moon phases |
first quarter moon, earth satellite, lunar, craters, moon phases |
waning crescent moon, earth satellite, lunar, craters, moon phases |
earth, planet, world, globe, atlantic ocean |
sun, solar energy, star, fusion |
Other |
prism, light, color, spectrum, refraction, ROYGBIV |
prism, light, color, spectrum, refraction, ROYGBIV |
prism, light, color, spectrum, refraction |
color, spectrum, light, ROYGBIV |
candle, light source |
flashlight, light source |
summer character, sun, light source, seasons, warmth |
fall character, autumn, seasons |
winter character, snow, snowflake, seasons |
spring character, flower, seasons |
microscope |