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New Leps
Whites and Yellows
Gossamer Winged
Butterfly Life Cycle Page

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CampVann Etsy

Adult Gossamer Winged Butterflies (Lycaenidae)
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Hypaurotis crysalus - Colorado Hairstreak Hypaurotis crysalus - Colorado Hairstreak Hypaurotis - Hairstreak
colorado hairstreak butterfly, insect, lepidoptera, arthropod, invertebrate, coronado national forest, arizona colorado hairstreak butterfly, insect, lepidoptera, arthropod, invertebrate, coronado national forest, arizona hairstreak butterfly, insect, lepidoptera, arthropod, invertebrate
Hypaurotis - Hairstreak Hypaurotis - Hairstreak red-banded hairstreak butterfly
hairstreak butterfly, insect, lepidoptera, arthropod, invertebrate, mesquite wash, tonto national forest, arizona hairstreak butterfly, insect, lepidoptera, arthropod, invertebrate, mesquite wash, tonto national forest, arizona red-banded hairstreak butterfly, insect, lepidoptera, arthropod, invertebrate
Calycopis cecrops - Red-banded Hairstreak Calycopis cecrops - Red-banded Hairstreak Calycopis cecrops - Red-banded Hairstreak
red-banded hairstreak butterfly, insect, lepidoptera, arthropod, invertebrate, guadalupe mountains national park, texas red-banded hairstreak butterfly, insect, lepidoptera, arthropod, invertebrate, guadalupe mountains national park, texas red-banded hairstreak butterfly, insect, lepidoptera, arthropod, invertebrate, guadalupe mountains national park, texas
Celastrina ladon - Spring Azure Butterfly Celastrina ladon - Spring Azure Butterfly Celastrina ladon - Spring Azure Butterfly
spring azure butterfly, insect, lepidoptera, arthropod, invertebrate, desert botanical garden, arizona spring azure butterfly, insect, lepidoptera, arthropod, invertebrate, desert botanical garden, arizona spring azure butterfly, insect, lepidoptera, arthropod, invertebrate, desert botanical garden, arizona
Celastrina ladon - Spring Azures Puddling Papilio multicaudata - Two-Tailed Swallowtails Puddling Papilio multicaudata - Two-Tailed Swallowtails Puddling
spring azure butterflies puddling, insect, lepidoptera, arthropod, invertebrate, black mesa, tonto national forest, arizona spring azure butterflies puddling, insect, lepidoptera, arthropod, invertebrate, black mesa, tonto national forest, arizona spring azure butterflies puddling, insect, lepidoptera, arthropod, invertebrate, black mesa, tonto national forest, arizona

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Adult Metalmarks (Riodinidae)
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Calephelis arizonensis - Arizona Metalmark Calephelis arizonensis - Arizona Metalmark Calephelis arizonensis - Arizona Metalmark
metalmark butterfly, insect, lepidoptera, arthropod, invertebrate, mesquite wash, tonto national forest, arizona metalmark butterfly, insect, lepidoptera, arthropod, invertebrate, mesquite wash, tonto national forest, arizona metalmark butterfly, insect, lepidoptera, arthropod, invertebrate, mesquite wash, tonto national forest, arizona
Apodemia mejicanus - Mexican Metalmark Apodemia mejicanus - Mexican Metalmark Apodemia mejicanus - Mexican Metalmark
mexican metalmark butterfly, insect, lepidoptera, arthropod, invertebrate, mesquite wash, tonto national forest, arizona mexican metalmark butterfly, insect, lepidoptera, arthropod, invertebrate, mesquite wash, tonto national forest, arizona mexican metalmark butterfly, insect, lepidoptera, arthropod, invertebrate, mesquite wash, tonto national forest, arizona
Apodemia mormo - Mormon Metalmark Apodemia mormo - Mormon Metalmark Apodemia mormo - Mormon Metalmark
mormon metalmark butterfly, insect, lepidoptera, arthropod, invertebrate, organ pipe cactus national monument, arizona mormon metalmark butterfly, insect, lepidoptera, arthropod, invertebrate, organ pipe cactus national monument, arizona mormon metalmark butterfly, insect, lepidoptera, arthropod, invertebrate, organ pipe cactus national monument, arizona
Danaus gilippus and Calephelis arizonensis - Queen and Arizona Metalmark Calephelis arizonensis and Danaus gilippus - Arizona Metalmark and Queen Calephelis arizonensis and Danaus gilippus - Arizona Metalmark and Queen
metalmark and queen butterfly, insect, lepidoptera, arthropod, invertebrate, mesquite wash, tonto national forest, arizona metalmark and queen butterfly, insect, lepidoptera, arthropod, invertebrate, mesquite wash, tonto national forest, arizona metalmark and queen butterfly, insect, lepidoptera, arthropod, invertebrate, mesquite wash, tonto national forest, arizona
Calephelis arizonensis - Arizona Metalmark Danaus gilippus and Calephelis arizonensis - Queen and Arizona Metalmark Danaus gilippus and Calephelis arizonensis - Queen and Arizona Metalmarks
metalmark butterfly, insect, lepidoptera, arthropod, invertebrate, mesquite wash, tonto national forest, arizona metalmark and queen butterfly, insect, lepidoptera, arthropod, invertebrate, mesquite wash, tonto national forest, arizona metalmarks and queen butterfly, insect, lepidoptera, arthropod, invertebrate, mesquite wash, tonto national forest, arizona

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Adult Whites and Yellows (Pieridae)
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Zerene cesonia - Southern Dogface Zerene cesonia - Southern Dogface Zerene cesonia - Southern Dogface
southern dogface sulphur butterfly, insect, lepidoptera, arthropod, invertebrate, mesquite wash, tonto national forest, arizona southern dogface sulphur butterfly, insect, lepidoptera, arthropod, invertebrate, mesquite wash, tonto national forest, arizona southern dogface sulphur butterfly, insect, lepidoptera, arthropod, invertebrate, mesquite wash, tonto national forest, arizona
Zerene cesonia - Southern Dogface Zerene cesonia - Southern Dogface Zerene cesonia - Southern Dogface
southern dogface sulphur butterfly, insect, lepidoptera, arthropod, invertebrate, mesquite wash, tonto national forest, arizona southern dogface sulphur butterfly, insect, lepidoptera, arthropod, invertebrate, mesquite wash, tonto national forest, arizona southern dogface sulphur butterfly, insect, lepidoptera, arthropod, invertebrate, mesquite wash, tonto national forest, arizona
Zerene cesonia - Southern Dogface Eurema mexicana - Mexican Yellow Sulphur Eurema mexicana - Mexican Yellow Sulphur
southern dogface sulphur butterfly, insect, lepidoptera, arthropod, invertebrate, mesquite wash, tonto national forest, arizona mexican yellow, sulphur butterfly, insect, lepidoptera, arthropod, invertebrate, coronado national forest, arizona mexican yellow, sulphur butterfly, insect, lepidoptera, arthropod, invertebrate, coronado national forest, arizona
Coliadinae - Sulphur Butterfly
Coliadinae - Sulphur Butterfly
Coliadinae - Sulphur Butterfly
sulphur butterfly, insect, lepidoptera, arthropod, invertebrate, mesquite wash, tonto national forest, arizona sulphur butterfly, insect, lepidoptera, arthropod, invertebrate, mesquite wash, tonto national forest, arizona sulphur butterfly, insect, lepidoptera, arthropod, invertebrate, mesquite wash, tonto national forest, arizona
Phoebis sennae - Cloudless Sulphur Phoebis sennae - Cloudless Sulphur Phoebis sennae - Cloudless Sulphur
cloudless sulphur butterfly, insect, nectar, lepidoptera, arthropod, invertebrate cloudless sulphur butterfly, insect, nectar, lepidoptera, arthropod, invertebrate cloudless sulphur butterfly, insect, nectar, lepidoptera, arthropod, invertebrate
cloudless sulphur butterfly
cloudless sulpur butterfly
Coliadinae - Sulphur Butterfly

cloudless sulphur butterfly, insect, nectar, lepidoptera, arthropod, invertebrate

cloudless sulphur butterfly, insect, nectar, lepidoptera, arthropod, invertebrate
sulphur butterfly, insect, lepidoptera, arthropod, invertebrate
Coliadinae - Sulphur Butterfly Coliadinae - Sulphur Butterfly Coliadinae - Sulphur Butterfly
sulphur butterfly, insect, lepidoptera, arthropod, invertebrate sulphur butterfly, insect, lepidoptera, arthropod, invertebrate sulphur butterfly, insect, nectar, lepidoptera, arthropod, invertebrate
Colias philodice - Clouded Sulphur Butterfly Colias philodice - Clouded Sulphur Butterfly Colias philodice - Clouded Sulphur Butterfly
clouded sulphur butterfly, insect, nectar, lepidoptera, arthropod, invertebrate clouded sulphur butterfly, insect, nectar, lepidoptera, arthropod, invertebrate clouded sulphur butterfly, insect, nectar, lepidoptera, arthropod, invertebrate
Colias philodice - Clouded Sulphur Colias philodice - Clouded Sulphur Colias philodice - Clouded Sulphur
clouded sulphur butterfly, insect, lepidoptera, arthropod, invertebrate, mesquite wash, tonto national forest, arizona clouded sulphur butterfly, insect, lepidoptera, arthropod, invertebrate, mesquite wash, tonto national forest, arizona clouded sulphur butterfly, insect, lepidoptera, arthropod, invertebrate, mesquite wash, tonto national forest, arizona
Ascia monuste - Great Southern White Ascia monuste - Great Southern White Ascia monuste - Great Southern White
great southern white butterfly, insect, lepidoptera, arthropod, invertebrate, desert botonical garden, arizona great southern white butterfly, insect, lepidoptera, arthropod, invertebrate, desert botonical garden, arizona great southern white butterfly, insect, lepidoptera, arthropod, invertebrate, desert botonical garden, arizona
Pontia protodice - Checkered White Pontia protodice - Checkered White Pontia protodice - Checkered White
checkered white butterfly, insect, lepidoptera, arthropod, invertebrate, mesquite wash, tonto national forest, arizona checkered white butterfly, insect, lepidoptera, arthropod, invertebrate, mesquite wash, tonto national forest, arizona checkered white butterfly, insect, lepidoptera, arthropod, invertebrate, mesquite wash, tonto national forest, arizona
Pontia protodice - Checkered White Pontia protodice - Checkered White Pontia protodice - Checkered White
checkered white butterfly, insect, lepidoptera, arthropod, invertebrate, mesquite wash, tonto national forest, arizona checkered white butterfly, insect, lepidoptera, arthropod, invertebrate, mesquite wash, tonto national forest, arizona checkered white butterfly, insect, lepidoptera, arthropod, invertebrate, mesquite wash, tonto national forest, arizona
Pieris rapae - Cabbage White Butterflies Pieris rapae - Cabbage White Butterflies Pieris rapae - Cabbage White Butterflies
cabbage white butterflies mating, introduced species, butterfly, insect, lepidoptera, arthropod, invertebrate cabbage white butterflies mating, introduced species, butterfly, insect, lepidoptera, arthropod, invertebrate cabbage white butterflies mating, introduced species, butterfly, insect, lepidoptera, arthropod, invertebrate
White and Suplhur Butterflies    
clouded sulphur and checkered white, insect, lepidoptera, arthropod, invertebrate, mesquite wash, tonto national forest, arizona    

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Adult Skippers (Hesperiidae)
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Systasea zampa - Arizona Powdered Skipper Systasea zampa - Arizona Powdered Skipper Systasea zampa - Arizona Powdered Skipper
arizona powdered skipper, insect, nectar, lepidoptera, arthropod, invertebrate, mcdowell sonoran preserve, arizona arizona powdered skipper, insect, nectar, lepidoptera, arthropod, invertebrate, mcdowell sonoran preserve, arizona arizona powdered skipper, insect, nectar, lepidoptera, arthropod, invertebrate, mcdowell sonoran preserve, arizona
skipper skipper skippers nectaring
skipper, insect, nectar, lepidoptera, arthropod, invertebrate skipper, insect, nectar, lepidoptera, arthropod, invertebrate skippers, insect, nectar, lepidoptera, arthropod, invertebrate
silverspot skipper skippers skippers
silverspot skipper, insect, lepidoptera, arthropod, invertebrate skipper, insect, nectar, lepidoptera, arthropod, invertebrate skippers, insect, nectar, lepidoptera, arthropod, invertebrate
Ancyloxypha numitor - Least Skippers Ancyloxypha numitor - Least Skipper Ancyloxypha numitor - Least Skipper
least skipper, insect, nectar, pickerelweed, lepidoptera, arthropod, invertebrate least skipper, insect, nectar, pickerelweed, lepidoptera, arthropod, invertebrate least skipper, insect, nectar, pickerelweed, lepidoptera, arthropod, invertebrate
Ancyloxypha numitor - Least Skipper Ancyloxypha numitor - Least Skipper Ancyloxypha numitor - Least Skipper
least skipper, insect, nectar, pickerelweed, lepidoptera, arthropod, invertebrate least skipper, insect, nectar, pickerelweed, lepidoptera, arthropod, invertebrate least skipper, insect, nectar, pickerelweed, lepidoptera, arthropod, invertebrate
Ancyloxypha numitor - Least Skipper
Ancyloxypha numitor - Least Skipper
Ancyloxypha numitor - Least Skipper
least skipper, insect, nectar, pickerelweed, lepidoptera, arthropod, invertebrate
least skipper, insect, nectar, pickerelweed, lepidoptera, arthropod, invertebrate
least skipper, insect, nectar, pickerelweed, lepidoptera, arthropod, invertebrate
Chioides albofasciatus - White-striped Longtail Skipper Chioides albofasciatus - White-striped Longtail Skipper Chioides albofasciatus - White-striped Longtail Skipper
white-striped longtail skipper, insect, lepidoptera, arthropod, invertebrate, brazos bend state park, texas white-striped longtail skipper, insect, lepidoptera, arthropod, invertebrate, brazos bend state park, texas white-striped longtail skipper, insect, lepidoptera, arthropod, invertebrate, brazos bend state park, texas
Chioides albofasciatus - White-striped Longtail Skipper Chioides albofasciatus - White-striped Longtail Skipper Chioides albofasciatus - White-striped Longtail Skipper
white-striped longtail skipper, insect, lepidoptera, arthropod, invertebrate, brazos bend state park, texas white-striped longtail skipper, insect, lepidoptera, arthropod, invertebrate, brazos bend state park, texas white-striped longtail skipper, insect, lepidoptera, arthropod, invertebrate, brazos bend state park, texas
Autochton cellus - Golden-banded Skipper Autochton cellus - Golden-banded Skipper Autochton cellus - Golden-banded Skipper
golden banded skipper, insect, lepidoptera, arthropod, invertebrate, coronado national forest, arizona golden banded skipper, insect, lepidoptera, arthropod, invertebrate, coronado national forest, arizona golden banded skipper, insect, lepidoptera, arthropod, invertebrate, coronado national forest, arizona
Erynnis - Duskywing Skipper Butterfly Erynnis - Duskywing Skipper Butterfly Erynnis - Duskywing Skipper Butterfly
duskywing skipper, insect, lepidoptera, arthropod, invertebrate duskywing skipper, insect, lepidoptera, arthropod, invertebrate duskywing skipper, insect, lepidoptera, arthropod, invertebrate
skipper butterfly lacewing skipper butterfly skipper butterfly proboscis
skipper, insect, nectar, lepidoptera, arthropod, invertebrate lacewing skipper, insect, lepidoptera, arthropod, invertebrate skipper proboscis, insect, nectar, lepidoptera, arthropod, invertebrate
Pompeius verna - little glassywing skipper butterfly
Hesperiidae - Skipper Butterfly
Copaeodes aurantica - Orange Skipperling

glassywing skipper, insect, lepidoptera, arthropod, invertebrate

skipper, insect, nectar, lepidoptera, arthropod, invertebrate

orange skipperling, insect, nectar, lepidoptera, arthropod, invertebrate
Pyrgus albescens - White Checkered Skipper Pyrgus albescens - White Checkered Skipper
white-checkered skipper, insect, lepidoptera, arthropod, invertebrate white-checkered skipper, insect, lepidoptera, arthropod, invertebrate silverspot skipper on milkweed, insect, lepidoptera, arthropod, invertebrate, doyle's run, shenandoah national park, virginia
Pyrgus albescens - White Checkered Skipper
white-checkered skipper, insect, lepidoptera, arthropod, invertebrate    

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